Monday, September 22, 2014

Racing for the Mansion

We all know that Wendy Davis is running for governor along with Greg Abbott.  In the Texas Tribune, Aman Betheja wrote this article Davis Intends to Use Executive Action, Veto Power if Elected on September 20, 2014.  In the article it discloses how Davis plans to use “executive action” to make changes with the Medicaid program.  If Texas would have adopted this in the beginning then the federal government would have paid the bill and many adults would be covered, but it wasn’t voted in.  Davis also speaks of two bills that she plans to veto if they reach her desk.  One is for the repeal of in-state tuition for illegal immigrants and the other is an “Arizona-style” immigration bill banning sanctuary cities.  This article also discloses Davis’ proposal for a statewide pre-K program and the cost would be on a sliding scale.  She says “It matters because if we don’t invest in them, it will hurt our state economy in the future.”

I think that this is an important article for everyone to read, we vote in November for our next governor and Davis could be voted into office. We need to know where she stands in the future of Texas and children are our future and in taking care of them the adults need assistance in making our economy stronger.

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