Friday, December 12, 2014

Blog 8 Commentary

I agree with Mr. Garcia  I feel that Texas’ government officials have good intentions in how to run it, but some of the officials try to get their way in a bad way.  They do this by gerrymandering, and spending large amounts of money for campaigns with no follow through. We also give some amnesty to our lawmakers while the legislative is in session.  Even though we do give them a break, some take advantage of this and it does seem that we just don’t hold them to the same standards that we have to follow. Where does it say that our government officials can make up lines that give them the upper-hand in keeping opinions of certain people from being heard?  Well, during this class I never heard that this should be allowed.  I think that there is a way that districts can be divided up into a fair, and in an evenly distributed way. 

Texas is a great state and I couldn’t ever see myself living in another state here in America.  As the population increases from birthrates and out of state people moving here I think we will see a change in how candidates campaign.  We are currently a Republican state, but the Democrats are starting to be seen in the bigger cities and sooner than later the voices of the Democrats will spread and the younger people will begin to vote too.  Also, when we continue to have candidates not doing what they say they will do during their campaigns when they win, then this too will encourage a change in how we look at candidates.  I also agree that most people just look for familiar names and listen to commentaries of people and make their judgments on only those opinions.  Texas though does have a strong ambition to thrive and we will continue to do so and with the new session coming up I hope to see some new changes that are good.


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