Monday, October 20, 2014

Houston's New City Ordinance

Katherine Driessen wrote a commentary article in the blog off the kuff about the equal rights ordinance case in Houston, TX on October 14, 2014.  This is a touchy subject for many people from all walks of life, no matter what religion you are, who or what you worship.  In this article Driessen discusses how the attorneys of Houston have subpoenaed several pastors and other religious leaders who oppose this law.  These pastors and religious leaders must turn in documents where they have spoken about this subject to their congregation.  The pastors and other religious leaders are in the process of suing the city and are hoping to repeal it in January 2015.

I think Driessen could have explained in more detail what this ordinance covers, it covers many things.  She instead has focused on what the controversy is about, but should have put how the homosexual and transgender had no protection before this ordinance.  I had to take it upon myself to read more into this matter to see why the city ordinance is causing such a disturbance, it’s because it includes the protection of sexual orientation and gender identity.  So this explains why these religious leaders are against this, it is because as Christians we are taught that homosexuality is an abomination and a sin. That is to be unaccepted by all; well this it is our constitutional right as Americans to have freedom of religion, and speech.   

As a Christian I believe that the Houston churches, preachers, and whoever have a right to preach whatever they want to.  They are protected by the First Amendment.  So I don’t feel that the subpoena of sermons, speeches will hold up in court.  I think the attorney’s that are representing the city of Houston will not be able to use the documentation in court, and that they have taken this overboard.  I will say that I do believe that all humans have the right to protected against discrimination, in Mark 12:31 Jesus states “And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.”  Maybe the pastors and religious leaders need to refresh their memories about what being a Christian is about.

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