Monday, November 3, 2014

Dukes for district 46

On November 4, 2014 those who didn’t vote in the early election will be casting their ballots.  In District 46 Dawnna Dukes a democrat in the Texas House of Representatives, she won her first election in 1996 and since has won each election.    

Dukes is a strong believer in expanding Medicaid, because Texas is the most uninsured state in America.  With more people being covered by Medicaid it will help improve our economy because more will be going to the doctor for illnesses.  Expanding Medicaid for the uninsured will help enormously, many of the people that live under the poverty wage guidelines are denied Medicaid and can’t afford healthcare even through the healthcare act.  Even in the higher education programs for those going into the healthcare field you are now required to have health insurance before you can do clinicals.  This is a problem for many because they are full time students, have families, and only work part-time; so expanding Medicaid would help individuals in these circumstances too.

Dukes also disagrees with the Texas voters ID law saying it is the strictest in the nation and that early voting should be longer, along with registration. If the voter ID law was not in affect more people would be able to vote, so the voices of the minority and under privileged could have their voices heard.  Also, if early voting was extended then more would be able to cast their votes, because not everyone can take time off from work to vote on Election Day. 

When it comes to redistricting Dukes thinks that the responsibility should be given to an independent citizens redistricting commission as long as it fair.  With the districts maps be drawn the way they have been gerrymandering has taken place.  Dukes believes that it would need a certain criteria when drawing these maps. 

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