Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Commentary of The Rail

I agree with the article written by Texas bureaucracy, Austin does need to expand the rail system as the population continues to increase and as our roads become more congested.  The main problem that made the proposition 1 not pass is that we have seen how the rail that has been established by capital metro has not meet the expectations promised and the cost was over the proposed amount. 

In the current proposal that we saw on the ballet the section would basically connect ACC’s Highland and Riverside campuses and this would only help a limited amount of commuters, whom already have access to the current rail and bussing system.  The rail system should be expanded to accommodate those who are more in the suburbs to the east and north of Austin.  Cedar Park and Leander have the Metrorail currently in place so adding more trains will help with the wait times at the stops and with overcrowding when special events occur downtown.   

The cost of the rail is also an issue and making it cost efficient would get more people to ride.   What is the sense in spending Billions of dollars if a few thousands are proposed to ride it?  That is not logical or practical to do this.  The more people that are proposed to ride then the less it would be per person. 

So yes I do think that Austin needs a rail system to help with the congestion and over use of our roads, but spending money frivolously is not what we need.  We need something that will connect the suburbs with the city, since most live in the outlying areas of Austin. 

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